Today I happened to come across the distinction between nice and kind.
Now being nice is what you are to please others.
It is reactive and very self suppressing. It is all about what others want.
When parents tell siblings to be nice it is all about keeping the peace.
It is more like a cease fire, people don't start hugging and sharing during
a cease fire, they prepare for more war after the agreed upon time has expired.
Being kind is a reponse. It is a choice that comes from within.
You can be nice to everyone, but a lot of nice people struggle with being kind.
Cause they are so conflicted inside from all the niceness.
They have nothing to give.
Who do you give too? You give to your allies
To your true friends, not the people who you are nice to, just because they happen
to be nearby and you fear they might attack you if you don't pipe down.
Cause niceness is rooted in fear, kindness is rooted in love.
People will often attack people just because they are nice.
Cause they know it equals fear.
You seldom see people attack others for being genuinely kind.
Cause kindness means that there is no fear.
Bullies always go for the scared people and niceness is a telltale sign of it.
It is like this odor that reaks.
Nice people kid themself to think that their bubble of fear and niceness
is somehow noble. That it is a trait to be cultivated.
Somehow it is supposed to help them.
Well sure having a cease fire might help you, but thing is,
everyone else is preparing for battle during the cease fire.
And people who cultivate niceness kid themself about the nature of the agreement.
They think that the ceasefire is indefinate, and they get shocked when others break it.
And get defeated totally by the enemies that used the chance to get stronger.
Now you can say that it is a sad state of affairs to refer to everyone else who is not
a close friend as an enemy. But when you see how people treat each other in
general in society. Well it is the truth. Most people will take advantage of you
if you let them. They will rob you of everything and throw you in a ditch,
methaphorically speaking. Now todays society have laws.
Rules of engagement, so people can't just do that.
But most people deep down wish they could.
Now there are many reasons for this.
One is called having a scarcity mentality, and that I want to speak about next time.
Because if you believe that you live in a scarce world, you automatically turn cutthroat.
It is in our genes, they say it is either me or him.
What people will get themself to do under extreme conditions of scarcity is kind of crazy.
But we all know it's real.
So don't be a nice person, be a kind person.
Giving your kindness from a position of strenght.
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