mandag 25. november 2013

Introduction to my blog

Hi dear reader wherever you are from.
I've decided to make this blog an exploration of  psychology and related subjects.
It is my hope that my deep dives into many a book will somehow be appreaciated by someone.

All I have to give is my perspective.
Sometimes I may say things that offend some and at the same time pleasure others.
That is the human experience, every position has an opposite position.
All we can do is accept the difference and in time we will see that opposites are not separate.

As the yin and yang of everything it balances out in the end,
allthough the waves it makes can be a bit hard to swallow in the moment.
Many of us wish to not have to make too big waves, myself included!
But the realitiy of life is that unless we take action and create waves,
well nothing will happen.
It is my hope that the waves of this will stir someone to take action,
to live life and manifest whatever they have to manifest.

Now I may come off as a wise old fool,
but hey all I'm doing is trying not to judge the outcome. ;)

Some will use what I write for what I myself would judge as good,
and others may use it for what I would judge as bad.
I cannot help this.
It is the risk of making waves, you never know what lie in their ultimate path.

I do hope that the net result of this will be good and beneficial for both myself
and others. So without any more waste of space welcome to my new blog. =D

2 kommentarer:

  1. As you might already have discoverd, I LOVE making huge ways! :)
    Atm I need some time and relaxation to let them settle again, but that's just part of the game.

  2. Oh heh yeah guess you do like those big social waves. ;)
