lørdag 30. november 2013

Enneagram intro

So my last post was really all about being angry.
Feeling that anger was pent up due to niceness and no true expression of what I felt.
Just to give people some perspective where I'm comming from.

Actually this might be a good idea to touch upon this thing called The Enneagram of Personality.
It is a system of personality typing just like jungs types.
It has nine core types represented by numbers, but when you get into it you discover
that those types have many many subtypes.

The specifics are here:

Now since I was on about anger I will only talk about the anger types in this post.

That is type 8, 9 and 1.
I myself is a 9.

Now these three types can be thought of as a range.
When you are angry you have to make a choice on where to direct that energy.
You can either direct it into the outer world or into you inner world.
Type 8 has gotten cronically used to directing it outwards.
Type 1 has gotten cronically used to directing it inwards.

So where does that leave 9?
9 struggle with the choice, they don't want to attack the world,
but they don't want to attack themself either.
So they deny their anger and zone out and distract themself from it.
In the end it comes back to bite them in the ass.

So as a 9 it is easy to want a perpetual ceasefire.
Where one pretend that everything is fine and dandy when in fact it is not.
Admitting that anger not only to oneself, but actually to other people involved,
can be very liberating, as long as it is done after the fact and from a frame of this is how I feel.
Nobody has the right to deny you to express how you feel.
As long as that expression isn't an attack, but made to inform people who don't even know
that you have been feeling anger. Cause as a 9 one is very good at camoflaging it.
After all you are deciving yourself.

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