I want to start this off by focusing on Jungian psychology.
Many may think that Jung is an old relic and useless.
I wish to challenge this.
What Jung was about after all was enpowerment of the patient.
To help the patient come to terms with his own mind.
Jung was very clear that yes he might be wrong on many a thing.
But that is the plight of any pioneer.
What Jung gives us is a set of concepts.
Concepts that gives a person a subjective toolset for exploring
an otherwise unforgiving inner landscape.
It doesn't matter if this is true in any measurable sense,
cause as one soon discovers in psychology,
it is all one qualitative study after another.
Of course there are small islands of quantitative data here and there,
but the ocean of the mind cannot yet be measured in any
significant way.
One of Jungs many contibutions was the notion of psychological types.
The idea that human experience in whole revolve around 4 main functions
thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition.
and that each of these can manifest outwards (extroverted) or inward (introverted).
Giving us 8 main manifestations.
Now I won't go into the hows and whys here as that has been covered in lenght other places. Here for example: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/
The brilliance of this is that we can then look at ourself and ask.
How do I approach the world?
What information is at center in my dealings with it?
What energizes me and what drains me?
This sows the roots for a much deeper understanding of ourself and others.
I'll let Jung have the final word.
"This world is empty to him alone who does not
understand how to direct his libido towards objects,
and so render them alive and beautiful for himself,
for Beauty does not indeed lie in things,
but in the feeling that we give to them."
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