lørdag 30. november 2013

Abundance vs scarcity

Okay sitting here and the only thing that I can think of is the abundance issue.
So well lets jump right into it.

Abundance is having access to more than you need and it's opposite is scarcity.
Now the problem with this for the human experience is that when we
experience scarcity all our worst sides will show themself.
Human beings have done stuff under scarcity that couldn't even be imagined
from a frame of having enough.

You can have scarcity on many levels. In any area that you can experience gain or loss.
Some have it over money, some over food and others over say friendships.

The trouble with scarcity is that in addition to being an observable fact,
it can also stay as a mindset, even when there in fact is no reason for it.
The same goes for abundance at least up to a certain point.
It is hard to decieve yourself that there is plenty when there is zero supply.

When scarcity has become a mindset, you will start to decieve yourself that there is a lack.
You will start to try to pull others into this deception.
Cause they coming from a place of abundance is a threat to the scarcity mindset.
After a while you will see that people who have scarcity mindsets will shun
people who have abundance mindsets on that level.
People with an abundance of money will recieve a lot of hate.
Ever heard the term "hater"? This is a person who has a scarcity mindset
attacking someone with an abundance mindset.
The response from the person with the abundance mindset is "Haters gonna hate!"
They see people being negative, but can't understand it cause to them there is enough for everybody.

Now we have all been there, and we all probably have at least one area where we
have a scarcity mindset. It might be scarce for real, but in modern society it is
trending more and more towards it just being you being in a bubble of denial.
The challenge is to break out of it and towards abundance.
Even if there is a real scarcity a person of an abundance mindset will just set to the task
of creating abundance. Whatever technology or change needs to happen.
A scarcity mindset just gives up and says that this is how it is.
There isn't enough to go around for everyone and we should just accept it.

So they sink down into all the base traits that are awakened when you view the world this way.
Wanting to take from others, hurt others over what they feel they lack.
War, poverty and crime is all manifestations of such a mindset most of the time.

We are becoming a lot of people on this planet.
This fact alone can be viewed as a strenght or as just more competition for a dvindling supply.
Is this really true?
Look up one moment at the stars. There is an infinite universe of possibilites.
Technologies beyond what you can imagine is being developed.
We have all the tools we need to create paradise for everyone,
but our pasts encounters with scarcity holds us back.

I'm no different. I too have many scarcity mindsets, some are harder than others.
Then again in some areas I experience abundance and I'm baffled when others view it as scarce.
The only way to get out of such a bubble is to look at the facts.
And if the facts tell you that abundance is possible, well you got to break out of the bubble.
We need to let ourself be satisfied or else we might kill each other off in an illusion of starvation.
Paradise is so close, but so many choose to pretend that it is hell and try to create that hell around them.
We need to wake them up to the possibility of abundance or else they will drag everyone down into
scarcity with them. Nuclear war is one such way of global misinformed destruction for the sake of
taking the other guy before he takes your stuff.
Imagine all the wonders we could achive if the resources wasted on the worlds combined millitaries was used on creating abundance for all. No need to fight over anything.
Everyone gets all their needs met. Such is the utopia.
The ammount of resources isn't the utopia, we have the means by far.
It is all about our mind and the mindsets that we hold collectively as a human race.
Some people are tied into the collective on one level and others on another.
Some are free on one level and another on some other level.

From what I know about psychology the utopia is really a psychological one.
How to get 7 billion people to stop believing that there isn't enough.
Each and every one of them have beliefs.
The internet connects more and more of them, but just connectivity isn't enough.
It accelerates the process of belief swapping, but that can go both ways.
If we want our future to be bright we need to embrace abundance everything else is just
a brutal dystopia. It is really up to us to enlighten each others out of the scarity of the past.

I want to end with this video.

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