torsdag 19. desember 2013

New vs old content

The drive to discover new content vs deepening already excisting content.

So lets say that I have some topic like psychology.
And say one day you stumble across some content that falls in under it.
Now it is great content and you feel it really helped you.
Now some more content comes along, and even more.
In fact the stream is endless. And it all seems so great.
But let me tell you something.
On much of what we encounter of content we are really wasting our time.

Why is that you say? Becaue if you don't isolate some content and explore it in depth
all you are doing is jumping shallowly from subject to subject.
Now some people manage to take something from it, and all power to them.
But for most it becomes a mindless assimilation of pieces.
Pieces they don't really understand good enough to do anything meaningful with.

So the next time some piece of content comes along.
Really ask yourself if this is really the best use of your time.
Or is it some other piece of already visited content that you would benefit revisiting instead.
To master something you got to revisit over and over and over.
To peal away deeper layers of understandng in that one area taking a dive into the sea.
Instead of jumping into the childrens pool of the new content.
Sometimes new content is your friend sometimes a time-thief.
Can you tell the difference?

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